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A little more about the performers


Parris is in truth a rapper that is hard to place inside a box. With such a diverse set of musical influences felt in his songs and a belief that music doesn’t need to be categorised Parris is very much his own type of artist.


Having grown up in South East London, Parris developed a love for music listening to some of the older members of his community DJ and MC. Without knowing it these childhood experiences would lay the foundations for a future career in the music industry for Parris.


As he developed as a rapper Parris soon realised that he had the talent to engage listeners with his unique delivery and thought provoking lyrics. Spending time in the recording studio with his mentor Davinche, also helped a young Parris get a real understanding of the hard work and determination that is required to become a success in the music industry. 


Parris has been fortunate enough to be a part of shows that also featured Bluey Robinson, Cleo Soul, Ms Brat, Vince Kidd and many more talented UK acts. Focused on moving forward and achieving his goals, Parris invites you to follow him on his journey.

Parris Wright

'La Jeunesse'

Fundraiser Fashion Show

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